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When you launched your business you unlocked a very important door. That door opens up to significant tax advantages, benefits, and savings you didn’t have as a W2 employee.

But most people never fully benefit from these tax advantages for one or more of the following reasons:



  • Tracking expenses, mileage, and time can be too tedious

  • Not knowing what to track often means tracking nothing

  • Procrastination kicks in and you end up overwhelmed at year-end with piles of receipts and stacks of bank statements

  • You leave it all up to your tax preparer and hope for a miracle


Procrastination and avoidance have a high cost, whether you realize it or not. They can lead to lost deductions, which means lost money.

A recent government study shows that:

7 out of 9 tax returns fail to take all of the valuable deductions they're eligible for—and that's with the help of a tax professional!

This can mean thousands of dollars a year in overpaid taxes for the average tax payer.


The bottom line: Your tax preparer is only as good as the information you can provide. It’s ultimately up to you to properly track your deductions.


Deductr has a simple way to help you analyze how you're doing in your business. Anything from viewing your estimated profits, to seeing how many deductible miles you've driven, the Reports section of Deductr is a powerful way to help you be more successful.



Tax time brings many people some real anxiety. It means days spent going through the shoebox of receipts or 12-months worth of bank statements. But with Deductr, tax time is stress-free. One click of a button will put all of your data in the perfect format for your tax preparer.



Tax professionals can only help you as much as you provide them verifiable information. Don't leave your tax deductions to chance. Deductr will help your tax preparer get you all the deductions you deserve. And the year-end tax report details your transactions exactly the way tax professionals need to see them.

Information by DEDUCT



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